
Teaching About Fasting – How These Teachers Make it a Futile Activity!

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  • Post category:Fasting
  • Post last modified:July 7, 2024
  • Reading time:17 mins read

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The Spectator Or The Participant?

Today, everyone is teaching about fasting. However, not everyone qualifies to teach about Christian fasting.

To teach about fasting, as a Christian, you must have done it in agreement with the teachings of the Bible.

This also means that you still practice the craft according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Twelve Leaders!

On the other hand, the people who teach about secular fasting could do so from a spectator’s point of view.

Who is informing you concerning this highly spiritual ritual, the spectator or the participant?

What Does Jesus Teach About Fasting In Matthew?

Jesus teaching on fasting should be important to everyone but more so to the Christians. He is the ultimate authority on any topic and that includes fasting.

Who should teach you about fasting? Today, that’s a question many Christians should be asking themselves. 

Jesus’ words regarding your teachers are still relevant today.

There are still “Pharisees” and “Sadducees” in the world and they shouldn’t be the ones informing you about the things concerning the Kingdom of Heaven and fasting.

“Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.”

Matthew 16:6

There is no other book, in this world, where its readers have more divergent opinions on its contents than the Holy Bible.

That is OK and may even be considered healthy by many. I have a problem, and Christianity has one too when these teachers share their thoughts on a topic like fasting like it’s the Word of God.

“How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?”Matthew 16:11

“Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.”Matthew 16:12

Jesus Teaching On Fasting

Jesus’ teachings on fasting include the following:

  1. Jesus teaches that others, (religious or otherwise), shouldn’t be able to look at you and determine that you are fasting, Matthew 6:16.
  2. He informs his disciples and us to fast “in secret” Matthew 6:18.
  3. The Only Begotten Son of God informs us when to fast, Matthew 9:15;Mark 2:20 & Luke 5:35).
  4. Jesus’ final teaching on fasting is so controversal that only the Fathers in Christ agree on it, Matthew 17:21; and Mark 9:29!


We Could Only Teach What We Believe

Therefore, what your teacher believes is not different from what he or she teaches. We can only teach what we believe.

The dogmas of a Bible teacher should never be different from those of the Word of God. Never interpret it. Always allow the Bible to explicate itself.

Sometimes, the people of the world operate more rationally than those of God’s kingdom. Scripture agrees with this.



Things They Should Not Teach About Fasting!

Not Everyone Is Qualified to Teach You About Fasting!

“And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.”Luke 16:8

Would you visit a shoemaker to have your hair cut? Or would you consent to a farmer to build your house? Or contract a podiatrist to remove your cataract? No, right?

So, should a non-believer and one who has never been on a fast teach you about fasting? What could he teach that you couldn’t discover by reading? Nothing!

Why is this important?

Whatever you believe—wrong or right—it’s extremely difficult to relinquish and accept something new unless the Lord aids you in doing so.

These Teachings About Fasting Could Prevent Your Salvation

Consequently, when the truth comes, you will not recognize it. You may not accept or believe it. Ultimately, this one feature could prevent you from being saved by Christ and forfeiting eternal life.

The people of the world connect with the appropriate people to satisfy their worldly needs, but some Christians are deceived.

They couldn’t care less who feeds them with spiritual food. So, who should teach you the Word of God?

What Are Jesus Teachings About Fasting?

Jesus teaching on fasting appear mainly in the Book of Matthew and they are not many.

However, they are very important for us to really comprehend the nature and significance of fasting to Christians.

There are quite a few teachings about fasting that Christians should avoid and reject. Jesus did not endorse them and sometimes they are contrary to the true Word of God.

One of the most popular is that “we go on fasting to become humble”. One writes, “Fasting is a biblical way to truly humble yourself in the sight of God.”

Of course, they have a Scripture for that.

Usually, these teachers quote King David.

“But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.”

Psalm 35:13

Is This True – Does Fasting Humble Us Before God?

This is a case in point when we see how important it is to have the right people teaching about fasting.

Fasting was never a biblical way to humble ourselves before God. It does not “humble us”.

On the contrary, we must be humble to fast and before we fast! This means that we are humble going into the fasting.

When King David says “I humble my soul with fasting” he is not referring to being humble. For this reason, there is no other scripture verse in the Bible to support this point of view.

Here is the plan. As you read your Bible each day, see if you can identify another scripture passage that supports Psalm 35:13.

I Humbled My Soul With Fasting!

To fully comprehend this passage we must be cognizant of at least two things. One, what is one of the main reasons for fasting?

Two, possessing a correct appreciation of the diction of the word “humble” in the context of the passage is crucial.

If we erroneously think that fasting humbles us then we will miss the wisdom of David’s words. So, what is the ultimate reason Christians fast?

When we appreciate and understand the components of a biblical fast many other facets of a Christian fast will fall into place.

Additionally, David declared that he “humbled” his soul. When he made this statement he made a distinction between himself and his soul.

He is attempting to show that by way of fasting, he had power and authority over his “soul”. Now his soul is under his authority.

That is one of the reasons Christians “chastise” or “chastened” their souls. They desire to dominate it!

If we possess more power over our souls then they are less likely to be at “war” with our spirits! This means that we will be more spiritual and less carnal.

For example, for a person whose soul is not humbled, whenever he or she desires to pray to God, the same experiences a battle.

When We Teach About Fasting We Must Get This Right!

The soul of such a person starts to fight against the spirit concerning praying now. The soul may make excuses like, you are tired; you have many things to do; pray later, or didn’t you pray earlier?

This list goes on and on!

When we teach about fasting it’s always important to get the spiritual as well as the natural understanding of the passage.

This is the spiritual application of I humbled my soul.

This tug-of-war between the soul and the spirit occurs because the soul is not humbled.

On the other hand, a Christian whose soul has been humbled via Christian fasting has less of a battle.

This Believer has more power over his or her will. Consequently, when he or she desires to pray the soul agrees (and does not fight); therefore, this Believer enters into prayer easily and without resistance.

This is what King David was talking about in the scripture above.

How Do You Determine Who Should Teach You About Fasting

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.”2 Timothy 4:3

As this relates to fasting, these unsaved teachers make the Word of God of no effect, (Matthew 15:6). They modify the biblical fast and introduce new features to appease the contemporary unsaved person who fasts.

Then they teach this as the Word of God, and the true Word of God gets ignored. They lead the simple and ignorant astray.

Subsequently, unsuspecting Christians fast and pray according to their teachings but experience no change. As a result, they declare that fasting doesn’t work.

Nothing is wrong with the biblical fast. Whose report do you believe? That’s where the problem resides.

It’s Not Everyone’s Responsibility

Ultimately, their teachings result in disobedience to God. Which Believer disobeys God and prospers? An unsaved person could prosper in sin but not a Believer. You are either in or out.

The Bible informs us how to fast. It reminds us never to add or subtract anything to or from the Word of God, respectively. This includes all information on fasting.

As a precaution, ensure that whoever teaches you the Word of God is a Believer in Jesus Christ. And that all his or her teachings conform to the Word of God, not confront it and this includes fasting.

Do you desire to experience real and positive changes in your life and that of others? Then, as a Christian, you should be very vigilant. Who should teach you the Word of God, is not everyone’s responsibility, and neither should it be taken lightly.

In closing, if you desire to learn how to fast as a Christian, according to the Bible and not opinions, read this Bible Study.