Much Noise About Fasting To Get Closer To God – But Does It Work?

If fasting to get closer to God were possible, then any unbeliever or Christian could could fast and enjoy the presence of the Lord God. But is this possible? But that certainly doesn’t stop many people, unbelievers and Christians, to think, feel, and teach that a Christian can get closer to God by fasting and that it is a natural phenomenon! They read the following verse of Scripture and misunderstand it! “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.”

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13 Dos And Don’ts of Christian Fasting That Will Make You More Effective At It!

Dos and Don’ts of Christian Fasting You Don’t Want to Miss Do you dread the very thought of fasting? Are you thinking and stressing about the dos and don’ts of Christian fasting? Learn what not to do when fasting as a Christian. This knowledge will make you more effective at fasting. Worry no more about it! I had similar stress when I started to fast as a Christian many, many years ago. For that reason, in this Bible Study, I provide twelve dos and don’ts of Christian fasting that you should implement as you execute your fast! There are certain things to avoid when fasting and praying. And there are specific things that you should do during every fast. If you would rather watch the video for this Bible Study click this link! What follows are not Christian fasting rules but guidelines that if you observe, collectively, they will ensure that you have a successful fasting.

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Revitalize Your Body and Mind The Top 7 Surprising Benefits of Fasting!

In our continuous quest for health and vitality, the benefits of fasting have re-emerged as a pivotal component of wellness and self-care. This ancient practice, once rooted in spiritual and cultural traditions, has transcended time to become a modern health trend with a plethora of scientific backing. While many embark on fasting for weight loss or spiritual reasons, the spectrum of advantages extends far beyond these realms.

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Biblical Fasting – Destroying 7 Myths of Fasting

Biblical Fasting Times! Today, Christendom is without Christ. Many Believers in Jesus Christ have drifted from the Word of God. They speak, teach, and preach whatever they desire. The Bible is no…

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