
What Is The Best Study Bible For Women – Many Christian Women Want to Know?

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  • Post last modified:June 16, 2024
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Choosing The Best Study Bible For Women Doesn’t Have to Be Like Pulling a Tooth!

Identifying and purchasing the best study Bible for women or men could be a challenge.

But it doesn’t have to be!

Today, I shall remove all the nuances from this decision and assist you in choosing a good Bible.

However, to do this, first, we should answer the following question. What constitutes the best Study Bible for you?

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Nevertheless, here are seven Bibles that you should seriously consider.

  1. Beautiful Word Bible
  2. NIV Bible For Women
  3. Bible Study for Women with Practical Life application
  4. ESV Women’s Study Bible Hardcover
  5. NIV, The MacArthur Study Bible
  6. The NKJV, Woman’s Study Bible, Hardcover, and
  7. NIV, Life Application Study Bible.

What Constitutes the Best Study Bible For You?

This is not a one-size-fits-all feature. However, here are a few things to look for in deciding on the best study Bible for women.

It should possess most or all of the following features:

  • A summary of each book
  • Easy to read
  • White space to add your notes and thoughts about the text and
  • Book outlines
  • Lightweight with good paper texture and quality.

Overall, a good Study Bible for women who are seeking God, through a deep study of His Word, makes study easy and fun.

Essentially then, in choosing your study Bible, you are attempting to answer: Will This Bible Help in Suppying a Deeper Understanding of The Word of God?

Best Study Bible For Women

What is a Good Women’s Study Bible?

To answer this question you would need to personalize it. But, if you have never had a women’s study Bible this is difficult.

But not impossible!

As a result, let’s personalize this a bit! First, identifying what you enjoy reading could be a good start. Do you prefer to read Elizabethan English to contemporary English?

Your answer to this question is important. It not only assists In choosing the best study Bible for you but also helps in choosing the best version that optimally suits you.

Second, if you don’t mind Elizabethan English, the KJVs should be OK. And with one selection you have solved translation and version problems.

Important Features of Your Study Bible


Thirdly, here are some other features your study Bible should have.

Get a Bible with:

  1. Book Outlines
  2. Book Introductions 
  3. Book Summaries
  4. Themes
  5. Study Notes with helpful cultural, historical, and archeological details, word studies, theological connections, or real-life applications.
  6. Articles that explore a topic in more depth such as family or prayer.
  7. Charts, Timetables, Illustrations, and Maps
  8. Concordance 
  9. Reading Plans topical, chronological, Bible in a Year etc.
  10. A lot of White Space for you to add your notes, reflections, and questions.


Any one of the seven Bibles above would serve as a great study Bible for a woman desiring a deeper knowledge of God and Christ.

However, if I were to choose one for you, as I would for my wife, here is my recommendation.

I Recommend,

The NKJV, Woman’s Study Bible, Hardcover

Overall it’s a fantastic study Bible. But it’s the best study Bible for women who are seeking God through a deep study of His Word.

It’s easy to use and has fantastic, font, print, paper, and texture. It has tons of resources including, a summary, concordance, an outline of each book, the background of each book; and themes.

All these features shall enrich your Bible Study experience!