
Why Do Christians Fast – Is Fasting Ceremonial or Necessary?

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  • Post category:Fasting
  • Post last modified:May 19, 2024
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Why Do Christians Fast?

Many Christians and unbelievers are asking the same question: Why Do Christians Fast? Yes, you got that right. Why do Christians fast?

Many Believers go on fasting and they are uncertain or ignorant of the real reason for their fasting.

Some of these reasons have more prominence than others. Some are even unknown, but to a few, they are hidden in the Scriptures.

Since this is so, Why Do Christians Fast? Is fasting ceremonial, or is it necessary? Below you will find a list of reasons contemporary Christians fast.

What Is The Purpose of Fasting In Christianity?

We shouldn’t speculate on the purpose of fasting in Christianity. If we do that we will not grow in the knowledge of God and Christ and this will not benefit us or others.

To discover this we must correctly search the Scriptures and be guided by the Holy Ghost. On the Internet, I have encountered a few motivations for Christing fasting that are not biblical.

Thes include the following:

4 Reasons For Fasting?

  • Fasting is a way to humble yourself in the sight of God” (Psalm 35:13; Ezra 8:21).
  • Christian Fasting is an expression of repentance.
  • Fasting is a way to seek God’s favor.
  • Fasting is “To Grieve Hard Providences”

Indeed, Christian fasting always involves grieving and mourning but, why? It’s crucial to our correct understanding of the Scriptures that we realize that these are not reasons for fasting but components of it!

The Children of Israel, the Jews, didn’t fast to mourn or repent. Mourning is a component of fasting.

On the other hand, repentance has very little connection to fasting. Later, I will expound on repentance and you will see the light!

Reasons For Fasting In Christianity

Why Do Christians Fast – 14 Reasons?

  1. To break every yoke (Isaiah 58:6). Do you have a bad habit that you want to get rid of? Then, Christian fasting is your solution.
  2. To be better human beings.
  3. To live above sin.
  4. To kill the flesh.
  5. To humble our souls, (Psalm 35:13).
  6. To chaste our souls, (Psalm 69:10).
  7. To serve God, (Luke 2:37).
  8. To obey the Lord God, “Is not this the fast that I have chosen?” (Isaiah 58:6a).
  9. To lose the bands of wickedness, (Isaiah 58:6b).
  10. To undo the heavy burdens, (Isaiah 58:6c).
  11. To “let the oppressed go free”, (Isaiah 58:6d).
  12. Empower us to break free from any oppressive association, habit, or thing, and so on,( Isaiah 58:6e).
  13. To enable us to feed the hungry. “Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, (Isaiah 58:7a).
  14. For Christians to become convinced to provide shelter in our homes for the poor and homeless, (Isaiah 58:7b).

12 More Reasons Christians Fast

  1. To become convinced of our responsibility to provide clothes for “the naked”, (Isaiah 58:7c).
  2. “And that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh,” (Isaiah 58:7d).
  3. To enjoy sound health. “And thine health shall spring forth speedily,”(Isaiah 58:8).
  4. To receive enlightenment. Then shall thy light break forth as the morning,
  5. To have the Lord as our guide for the glory of the Lord shall be our “rereward”.
  6. To be in a position that when we call on God, He answers, (Isaiah 58:9).
  7. To have the Lord’s assistance in times of trouble. “Thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity.
  8. To demonstrate a “turning to God”, (Joel 2:12).
  9. To possess power with God. “… This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting….” (Matthew 17:21; Mark 9:29.)
  10. To hear from God, (Act 13:2).
  11. Moses received from God while on a fast. The Lord God gave him the Ten Commandments and the blueprint for the Sanctuary as he fasted.
  12. To make better decisions, now and in the future. And not only for us but for our posterity, (Ezra 8:21-36).

Why Should Christians Fast?

I know many “Christians” who claim that fasting is legalistic and abolished, so they ask: “Why Should Christians Fast?” They don’t fast.

Consequently, they remain powerless!

On the other hand, I know other Believers who recognize and observe this open biblical secret. It’s open because it’s in the Word for all to see and read.

However, it’s a secret, for few find it. And still, fewer recognize it.

This secret is the biblical answer to the following question: Is Christian fasting a mere religious ceremony or is it essential to a Believer?

In about fifty words, tell me what you think about this question, in the comments below.

Also enter your email below to know the answer, and to stay abreast with follow-up comments.

What is Your Motivation – Why do You Fast as a Christian?

You may be wondering, why should I fast? Do I need to fast? But despite the swarm of thoughts that’s covering your mind, know that it is never futile for Believers. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by fasting.

And if you have never fasted learn how to do a Christian fast here.

In closing, even though Jesus never gave any direct instructions to his Twelve Leaders, or the Church, to fast.

It is one of the most potent weapons in our spiritual arsenal. Therefore, don’t take it lightly!

Finally, Jesus expected us to fast and since he did we should fast!